Pick a name. Got it? Good. That’s all you need for the first session. Everyone is starting as a level-0 classless human, so there is no need to make a character in advance.


In the first session, we will roll for careers. Every player will end up with two careers total.

To start, every player will roll for a random career from a career table (1d100) a total of five times. Then, they can pick two careers from their list, and/or select from unpicked careers from other players’ rolls.

Careers determine the following:

  • Equipment. Players receive six items total (three per career), which are included in the d100 table.
  • Abilities. One ability increases to 2, and one other ability increases to 1. Players choose the abilities, as long as it can be related to the careers. You’re allowed to be silly with your logical reasoning (e.g. a strong priest or a wise brewer). See Abilities for more info.
  • Skills. One skill is leveled up to Apprentice and two skills are leveled up to Novice. Three separate skills are leveled up once. Players choose the skills, as long as it’s related to their career. See Skills for more info.