Off-the-cuff weapons

Simple weapons can be crafted and gathered from the environment. Things like

  • R o c k
  • Tree-based spear
  • Clubs (tree, rock, rope)
  • Whatever. Get creative ; )

Real Weapon and Armor Crafting

Crafting is a skill that can be trained. You don’t need to make any skill checks, however you do have to spend time on the thing. You also require tools to do it.

Crafting skillAbility score


Requires a proper location


Can be done on the road

When done in a proper location, the quality improves.


Players can craft potions if they have the ingredients.

Non-ideal location:

  • Fire
  • Alchemist tools

Ideal location also requires:

  • Oven
  • Wide, level, stable surfaces (like countertops, non-moving)
  • Running water

Ideal locations:

  • Lower DC by 3

Normal potion recipes cost 50gp each Rare potion recipes cost 100gp each

If the player beats a DC by 10 or more, they don’t have to roll DCs for that potion anymore.

Potion typeDCNotesRarityIngredients
Restore10restores HPCommonLifeleaf
Stone skin14Increases ACCommonMudshroom
Resistance (Fire)14Half-damage from fireCommonFirebell
Immunity (Fire)20No damage from fire
Can swim in lava
Very rare2 x Firebell
Resistance (Ice)14Immune to cold weather effects
Half-damage from ice attacks
Immunity (Ice)20No damage from ice attacksVery rare
Resistance (Lightning)14Common
Immunity (Lightning)20Very rare
Resistance (Poison)14Common
Immunity (Poison)20Very rare
Light16Potion provides light for X days
where X is the number rolled
Cure wounds16Restores X/4 wound slots (round up)
where X is the number rolled
Potion can be shared
Rare2 x Lifeleaf
Booming20Creates an explosion
deals X damage in an X-foot radius
when vial is broken
Failing the DC by more than 5
creates N/2 wounds, where N is the
amount failed by
Very rareGun Tea
Aciddeals damage when thrown at a target
StenchJust super smellyValerian
GlueCan be used to adhere
two surfaces together
The bond requires DC 20
check to break (what skill?);
This DC decreases every
RageAdds +5 to any strength-related attack
Duration 4 hours
FinesseAdds +5 to any dexterity-related roll
Duration 4 hours
BrainsAdds +5 to any
Sleep20Drinker must pass DC 20 fortitude
or fall asleep for 10 x 3d3 minutes

Different potions have different DCs

  • Potion of restore: DC 10 (for restoring HP)
  • Potion of stone skin: DC 14
  • Potion of resistance (fire, ice, lightning, poison): DC 14
  • Potion of cure wounds: DC 16 (for restoring wound slots)
  • Potion of light
  • Potion of fire, ice, poison, lightning
  • Gunpowder
  • Acid
  • Shrinking
  • Growth
  • Glue
  • Stench
  • Rage (+Strength)
  • Finesse (+Dexterity)
  • Brains (+Intelligence) Rare
  • Potion of Sleep


  • Lifeleaf
  • Firebell
  • Waterbloom
  • Mudshroom
  • Valerian (stink)

Players can attempt to craft up to 5 potions/day in a non-ideal location, or 10 potions/day in an ideal location. This process takes 5 hours.

When you drink a potion, the item ends up as an empty bottle.

All potions require an empty bottle. Bottles can be purchased at most general stores.


Improved tree-based spears and clubs